AMC’s new drama, a cannibal, and the conclusion of Chip Feingold, Turkey Detective.
Turkey detectives, drunk robots, and house mixes from DJ Sam Elliott.
The Corporate Juggernaut Boyz are back! Laugh and learn as you get your ears tickled by John Thornton Jr., James Austin Johnson and Gary Fletcher. Every week we will be talking about music and comedy and life. It’s going to be turd-loads of fun! Enjoy! Podcast!
If Spider-Man can reboot after 3 years, I can reboot after 10 months. Enjoy this new podcast. It’s really stupid. Featuring Colonel Parker (who you can follow on Twitter right here), a look at the upcoming Harry Potter movie that ends with an explosion for some reason, and the magic of Whiny Shabazz. WHEE!
The revenge of Steve Gerdes?