Episode 34 – The Smuckers Episode

The good people at Smuckers take over the Whoopdee-Doo. Plus, Col. Parker teaches everyone how to build a Blu-Ray player, a chilling track from SEAN PARROTT and CHARLES IVES’ new band, The Dead Dead, a shilling track from the Best-Of CD, stand-up from STEVEN WRIGHT, and we end on an uplifting note.

Episode 33 – Available From Twelve To Noon

Mark calls Walgreen’s, we retire the hacky “Parents should beat their kids like back in the day!” bit, Mark sings the most amazing song about Europe ever recorded, stand-up from CHAD RIDEN, and the most amazing cover of a Europe song ever recorded.

EPISODE 32 – Loneliness and Barbershops

Episode 32 exists! Brad Edwards provides a prank call, Mangy Dog’s barbershop quartet rocks the house, the first episode of “The Lonely Guy”, a new installment of Sad Trumpet Theater, and standup from DEMETRI MARTIN. “I hate my name.”

Episode 31 – Halloween Boner

BRAD EDWARDS and DAMIAN ANAYA show up to help us make mirth, featuring crank calls, long musical intros, The Unofficial and Incorrect History of Rock N’ Roll, Brad and Damian sing a Halloween song, the first episode of Sad Trumpet Theater, an exciting installment of …Or Gay Porn?, stand-up from JIMMY DORE, and… HAHAHAHAHA!

Episode 30 – Barbazologist

BRAD EDWARDS pranks a stranger, Mr. Cheap returns, another exciting installment of Hollywood Gossip Corner with Pip Tinkle, we meet Frank the… BARBAZOLOGIST!!!, a quick CD shill, stand-up from TODD GLASS, a healthy reminder from Mr. T, and DAMIAN ANAYA says “hey.” “I NO NEE I NO NEE I NO NEE”