Louis CK defends Tracy Morgan; Chad Riden to discuss controversy on tv tonight

EDITORIAL NOTE: This is an opinion piece written by comedian Chad Riden, who does not represent or speak on behalf of anyone, including sometimes himself.

Today, comedian Louis CK took to twitter to defend Tracy Morgan. Over the course of several tweets, he said:

Tracey Morgan said something wrong, evil, cruel, ignorant and hilarious. He was on a comedy stage, not at a pulpit. You have a right to be offended, sound off. As a man who hates violence and discrimination against gays or anyone, I was not offended.

I can have two thoughts simultaneously. 1. Gay people have a right to grow up and live in confidence happiness, honesty and equality. thought 2. Tracey Morgan is ridiculous and I love watching him just go to wrongful and crazy places in his mind and I can laugh.

If every word a person says has to be right and balanced and fair, I will jump off a tall thing onto a hard place. It is clear to anyone with an ability to reason and understand people that he didn’t mean a word of what he said. he was fucking around.

Louis is 100% correct.

I was at the show and although the bit in question did not get laughs from ME, it DID get laughs at The Ryman that night. His “tone” wasn’t any different from when he was talking about butt-fucking “retards” or when he was talking about how women should be at home cooking. Where is the outrage from the retards? Why aren’t we talking about women’s rights right now?

The Tracy Morgan controversy is NOT about Tracy. It’s 100% about TN HB 600 / SB 632 & Stacy Campfield’s ridiculous “Don’t Say Gay” legislation — Both Tennessee state bills are terrible, hate-fueled legislation proposed by Republicans and GLAAD is using Tracy Morgan as a pawn to further their agenda in the state. I do not disagree with them on the real issue at hand, but I do dislike HOW they’re doing this.

LGBT rights / equality is important and Tennessee is a hotbed right now.. but by demonizing Tracy Morgan, the new victim has become free speech. Comedians – and all artists of any medium – must be able to communicate whatever they want, however they see fit. As soon as one subject/word/idea is “off limits” then it’s ALL taboo. Tracy’s words were in the context of a show, NOT a political statement.

Tracy’s act was paraphrased second-hand in text by someone who was offended by a performer who has said similar things many times before. Yes, it was “violent imagery” and it would be “disturbing” IF you thought he would act out literal interpretations of his ACT in REAL LIFE.. but what moron actually believes that?

Sometimes I say the exact opposite of what I mean and exaggerate view points I totally DISAGREE with, but sarcasm doesn’t translate to text. We can’t take the literal meaning of the text of the words comedians say in their ACTS and use that to try to judge their REAL WORLD opinions. Johnny Cash did not kill a guy in Reno. Steven Wright didn’t have a pony. Tracy Morgan wouldn’t stab his kid to death. Use your brain.

If special interest groups who exist ONLY to be offended by things are allowed to dictate what artists can say.. Freedom of Speech is dead.

I have been outspoken in the Nashville media this week. A lot of people I’ve talked to feel the same way. I find it ironic that because of this controversy comedians are now being bullied by the LGBT community.

I’ll be on NewsChannel5’s “Open Line” show tonight from 7-8pm Central (on NC5+) discussing the Tracy Morgan controversy. You can call in: 615-737-7587.

[ UPDATE: Here’s a link to video of the first ten minutes of the show. ]

Gay or straight, sane or crazy, I love you – each and every one. Your pal, Chad Riden

The Tracy Morgan debate continues..

BOY did Tracy Morgan stir up some controversy on June 3rd at the Ryman.. I’m sure you’ve heard. NashvilleStandUp’s Chad Riden (hey, that’s me!) has been very vocal about the situation.

I’ve been interviewed by The Tennessean (who just had to copy and paste my email but STILL spelled my name wrong. Way to go, lamestream media.*), US Weekly and NewsChannel5.

You can read my initial reaction to the controversy here on N’Sup.. and NewsChannel5 (CBS) here in Nashville will air part of an interview we shot today on their 6pm newscast tonight (Tuesday, 6/14).

THEN, I’ll be at Zanies telling jokes / crazy stories about Tracy Morgan during my set on the 6/14 N’Sup Showcase (doors @ 6:30, show @ 7:30 – $5). NewsChannel5 will probably come out and tape some of that show tonight and might interview people about their reactions to what has been going on.

Wednesday, I’ll be on NC5+’s “OpenLine” show debating the issue from 7-8pm.

UPDATE: here’s the link to the transcript of the package that aired on NewsChannel5’s 6pm show and here’s the video:

* Unfortunately, sarcasm doesn’t always translate in print. Imagine me saying that while doing an impression of Tina Fey doing an impression of Sarah Palin.

PunchlineMagazine gushes over Billy Wayne Davis

PunchlineMagazine’s Meagan Kate is in Portland reviewing the Bridgetown Comedy Festival. Here’s what she had to say about our pal, Billy Wayne Davis:

“I also got to see Billy Wayne Davis (finally), whose Southern charm made the audience warm to him immediately, and his material was on point. Also: he is adorable.”

You can read the rest of the write-up here, but that’s the only part that talks about how great NashvilleStandUp alum’s are.

OregonLive.com wrote a short wrap-up of the festival and closed it with a quote from our pal:

Billy Wayne Davis got a laugh about the “Keep Portland Weird” slogan and its obviousness. “It’s like San Francisco going, ‘let’s keep the Bay here!'”

Nissan whistle-blower Sharyn Bovat now doing stand-up

Nissan whistle-blower Sharyn Bovat just got written up by Punchline magazine – who embedded a video of her performing at Spanky’s last Tuesday. Of course, the Spanky’s regulars are heard talking in the background and/or heckling, so congratulations on YOUR punchline magazine debut, as well:

Punchline’s Josh Evans wrote, “Granted she’s by no means a seasoned comedienne, but Bovat shows some promise, if only for her comfortable stage presence and ability to generate at least a few good laughs.”
Sharyn will perform at Zanies Nov. 17th as part of Rik Roberts’ School Of Laughs graduation performance show.

He Ain’t No Blue Collar Comedy Trash, He’s Fucking Billy Wayne Davis

TotallyCrushedOut has an interview with NashvilleStandUp alum Billy Wayne Davis. To introduce him, they say:

“Anybody that has been around the Seattle comedy scene knows the name Billy Wayne Davis. He’s a self-described hillbilly who has a distinctly intellectual aspect to his stand-up. His comedy is polished and smart. It is not what you (or Hollywood Agents) expect when you hear his distinct Southern accent. I’ve seen him perform numerous occasions and am always surprised at how well he handles himself and put hecklers in their place.”

B-dub talks about how he got into comedy, his worst day job ever, why he moved to Seattle, fighting the ‘stupid southern hick’ stereotype, and how he balances his life on the road with having a wife and a baby.

Read the whole interview at totallycrushedoutmag.com. If you visit Billy Wayne Davis’ website over at BillyWayneDavis.com, you can read about his current bus tour with Ralphie May:

This week I’m flying down to Sacramento on Thursday and doing the Crest Theatre with Ralphie May. Then, we hop on a tour bus up to Portland for a show on Friday at the Newmark. End up in Seattle at the Moore on Saturday and the Met in Spokane on Sunday…….I’ll be flip camming the whole trip and updating them on my YouTube page…….more to come.


We just learned that BW will appear in a documentary about Seattle comedy appropriately called “Seattle Komedy DokumentaЯy.” The first trailer was just released with this note from the producers: “In 2007, Seattle was at the epicenter of an amazing stand-up comedy movement. This documentary follows the very recent rise, fall and rebirth of the alternative comedy scene and proves that Seattle is many things, but one of those things is a place where great players get their start.”