Stand-UP Level One: Writing
Mondays 4/30, 5/7 & 5/21
5:30-7:15 PM @ Zanies Nashville
The 3 session class fee is $200 total
If you are starting from scratch this is your class. If you have “dabbled” in stand-up and can’t find the consistency you need from your material, this is your class. If you write, blog, tweet or just want to find out how to be funnier … this class is for you.
Ask yourself the following questions. Be honest with yourself!
How solid is your material now?
Do you know the reason each joke gets a laugh?
What techniques suit you the best?
Are you able to mix it up for different types of crowds?
Can you turn a story into a comedy bit?
Do your jokes get consistent laughs?
Are you able to get a laugh every 10-15 seconds or so?
If you don’t know some of the answers, then you’d benefit enormously from the writing class!
You can pay by check, credit card or money order. Once you’ve paid for the writing class once you have a “Lifetime” membership which allows you to attend any and all of the future writing classes at no extra cost.
Improv Comedy Level One: Games
Mondays 4/30, 5/7 & 5/21
7:30-9:30 PM @ Zanies Nashville
The 3 session class fee is $200 total
Want to release the inner genius trapped inside you? Me too! In the meantime, why not sign up for the Intro to Improv Comedy Class?
I started my comedy career as part of Midwest Comedy Tool and Die – an incredible Improv group in Columbus, OH. We were one of the few traveling Improv troupes to conquer comedy clubs. Our approach was big on laughs with a respect for the art form of Improv. In this intro to Improv class we will do the same.
We will sample many of the games you have seen on “Whose Line is it Anyway?” as well as many you may have never seen. You’ll learn the ground rules that apply to Improvisational Comedy. You’ll be onstage a LOT and will learn to trust your instincts.
You’ll also benefit if you are pursuing stand-up comedy. All of the games in this course can be applied to writing and developing your material. Many students develop characters and bits that they integrate into their act.
A minimum of 8 students is necessary for this class to go forward.
If interested, send Rik an e-mail at comedyhomework AT aol DOT com with the following information:
Which class are you sign up for,
Writing or Improv? ___________________
Name: ____________________________
Cell#: ____________________________
Best E-Mail for class news: ______________
Preferred method of payment (Check, Credit or Cash) ___________________________
And feel free to tell me about any past performance or writing experiences. A link to any YouTube clips would also be cool.