In 2012, local human Sean Parrott embarked upon a perilous journey into sound, writing and recording a song every single week (That makes 52 total.) This show will feature some of your most-favoritest songs of the year (We are Breakin’ the Rules with Our Love, Moonbase, Let’s get some Motherfuckin’s Snackin’ Done) and a bunch of other jammy jams for your listening and watchening pleasure.
Tickets are $5 online (plus applicable service fees) or at the door the day of the show. For that money, not only do you get a show with fun and funny songs but you also get a Free Download of “Songs about Sad Stuff and Snacks” and a PHYSICAL CD COPY of The Dead Dead’s “Infinite Superdoom.”
So tell your friends and get ready for the funnest fun you’ve ever funned!
Sean Parrott: Songs about Sad Stuff and Snacks! Album Release Extravaganza
February 1, 2013 at 8pm
$5 online, $10 at the door
The Building / Billups
1008C Woodland Street
Nashville, TN 37206
(next to Drifter’s BBQ, in the alley behind 3 Crow)