Nashville-native comedian / author / lecturer / Vanderbilt graduate / funny person Jeff Havens is currently touring with his “How to Get Fired!” lecture / presentation / funny thing. The Kokomo Perspective recently wrote up his upcoming appearance at IUK:
Filled with the satire Havens has made famous in his stand-up performances and his corporate presentations around the country, “How to Get Fired!” is a hilarious discussion of exactly what not to do in the workplace.
Some questions Havens will ask his audience include, “Does the idea of working for a living depress you?”, “Would you rather play video games and update your Facebook profile than suffer through a lifetime of stable employment?”, and, “Does paying your rent seem like just too much of a hassle?”
[read the rest of the article here]
“How to Get Fired!” is also available in the quaint “book” format (an archaic form of communication involving something called “paper” that does not work at all on your iPad), available on his website, NashvilleStandUp only wishes Jeff would have told us how not to get fired 10 years ago when we were still “employable” – now, we’re just damaged goods. Way to go, Jeff. Way. To. Go.