Brad Edwards’ Breaking Bad meth lab Lego set mentioned on Conan

Brad Edwards' Breaking Bad meth lab Lego set
Brad Edwards' Breaking Bad meth lab Lego set
Brad Edwards’ Breaking Bad meth lab Lego set

On Wednesday, July 18th, 2012, Bryan Cranston made an appearance on Conan to promote Breaking Bad. About a minute into the interview, Conan O’Brien showed a couple photos of Nashville based comedian and Lego enthusiast Brad Edwards’ Breaking Bad meth lab Lego set. Conan said, “This show has pervaded the culture to such a degree that there is now a Lego meth lab set. This is fantastic!” Cranston said, “This is good to see because Science has been lacking in our country..” Check out the video clip, courtesy of

To see the entire set of 15 photos visit Brad’s Facebook photo album, or if you prefer, the post Gary Fletcher made on Reddit.. or OH LOOK IT’S RIGHT HERE:

To see more funny / awesome things Brad has done, visit him on the world wide web, errbody: