N’Sup Showcase at Zanies 5/3

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase @ Zanies Comedy Showplace – a showcase of the funniest comedians based in the Nashville area, plus guest sets from traveling comics, and Chad Riden’s IRON COMIC comedy competition with jokes written on the spot based on audience suggestions.

Follow and reply to @IronComic to play along at home.

The May 3rd show lineup includes: Nashville’s Johnny Beehner, Brian B-Cov Covington, Donnie Pollard, and Trey McClarnon; plus Memphis’ Richard Douglas Jones; and Birmingham’s Matt Davis. Nashville’s James Austin Johnson will headline the event.

Here’s a funny video clip of James Austin Johnson:

James Austin Johnson, alive at Zanies (11/19/10) from James Austin Johnson on Vimeo.

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase featuring Iron Comic
Tues., May 3, 2011
doors open: 6:30pm
showtime: 7:30 pm

Zanies Comedy Showplace
2025 8th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204

$5. available at the door, online, or at the Zanies box office at: 615-269-0221

Facebook event:
Tues., May 3, 2011 – 7:30 pm

More info about the N’Sup Showcase @ Zanies is available at: http://NashvilleStandUp.com/showcase/

N’Sup Showcase at Zanies 4/19

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase @ Zanies Comedy Showplace – a showcase of the funniest comedians based in the Nashville area, plus guest sets from traveling comics, and Chad Riden’s IRON COMIC comedy competition with jokes written on the spot based on audience suggestions.

Follow and reply to @IronComic to play along at home.

The April 19th show lineup includes: Nashville’s John Thornton Jr., Matt Buechele, Sean Parrott, Sean Staggs, Brian Bates, and Gary Fletcher; plus Knoxville’s Sandy Goddard; and Chicago’s Drew Michael.

Here’s a sketch from Gary Fletcher, John Thornton Jr. & Brad Edwards:

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase featuring Iron Comic
Tues., April 19, 2011
doors open: 6:30pm
showtime: 7:30 pm

Zanies Comedy Showplace
2025 8th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204

$5. available at the door, online, or at the Zanies box office at: 615-269-0221

Facebook event:
Tues., April 19, 2011 – 7:30 pm

More info about the N’Sup Showcase @ Zanies is available at: http://NashvilleStandUp.com/showcase/

The Beards of Comedy @ Zanies, Tues. April 5th

The Beards Of Comedy @ Zanies

The BEARDS OF COMEDY Tour is quickly becoming one of the hottest shows in the U.S, with four of the funniest, freshest (and yes, bearded) faces in comedy. Not your typical ‘southern’ comedians, the “Beards” deliver an original brand of humor that’s deeply rooted in stand-up, and lightly blended with avant-garde elements of music, sketch, and improv. The Beards are comprised of; Andy Sandford (voted “Best Atlanta Comedian” by Creative Loafing, CMT’s “Next Big Comic” Top 12 Finalist), Joe Zimmerman (nominated by Rooftop Comedy for the Golden Shingle Award – given to the most outstanding rising star in comedy), TJ Young (winner of multiple festival awards, Comedy Death Ray), and Dave Stone (Rooftopcomedy.com’s 2010 “Silver Nail Award” winner, voice actor for “Squidbillies”).

Contrary to popular assumption, The Beards of Comedy Tour is not a comedy tour focused on facial hair humor. The name is more a parody of a “hook,” or label. It means nothing in itself to have a beard, but four coincidentally bearded comedians offering their own refreshing twist on the traditional stand up comedy show; that’s something worth labeling. It’s labeled The Beards of Comedy Tour, and their work has not gone unnoticed, selling out shows in numerous national markets. In July of 2009, The Beards recorded their debut album, “Comedy for People” for Rooftop Comedy Records. They are often featured on the nationally syndicated radio show “The Regular Guys” and can be heard in regular rotation on Sirius XM Radio. Individually, the Beards have worked with…Aziz Ansari, Maria Bamford, Todd Barry, Doug Benson, Greg Giraldo, Todd Glass, Andy Kindler, Patton Oswalt, Brian Posehn, Marc Maron, Greg Proops, and many more. One thing is for certain: The Beards of Comedy Tour is a fiercely follicled foursome of hilarity to be reckoned with…with laughter, not violence.

Beards Of Comedy Tour @ Zanies with special guest Chad Riden

Tuesday, April 5th
Doors at 6:30, show at 7:30

For $5 Tickets:
– Zanies’ box office: 615-269-0221
– online: http://www.nashville.zanies.com/news.php?NewsSection=Beards+of+Comedy