11/23/2010 N’Sup Showcase TONIGHT

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase @ Zanies Comedy Showplace – a showcase of the funniest comedians based in the Nashville area, plus guest sets from traveling comics, and Chad Riden’s IRON COMIC comedy competition with jokes written on the spot based on audience suggestions. Follow and reply to @IronComic to play along at home.

The show is hosted and produced by NashvilleStandUp.com’s Chad Riden. The November 23rd show lineup includes: Atlanta’s Andy Sandford, Cris Gray, and Mia Jackson; Kentucky’s Dave Webster, Josh Branham, and Nathan Wallace; PLUS Nashville’s Brian Bates, Sean Parrott, Ashley Brooke, Donnie Pollard, Johnny Q. Amish, and “Happy Birthday Gary“‘s Brad Edwards will be headlining the event.

Here’s Brad in action:

The NashvilleStandUp.com Showcase featuring Iron Comic
Tues., Nov. 23, 2010
doors open: 6:30pm
showtime: 7:30 pm

Zanies Comedy Showplace
2025 8th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204

$5. available at the door, online, or at the Zanies box office at: 615-269-0221

Facebook event:
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2010 – 7:30 pm

More info about the N’Sup Showcase @ Zanies is available at: http://NashvilleStandUp.com/showcase/

Comics Come Home @ Zanies (wed, 11/24)

As long as I can remember, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving has been a Nashville comedians’ homecoming show. Many of the comics out on the road who call Nashville home, or at least have family here, come back to the place they got their start for one show only – a showcase style line-up of the guys (and ladies) who came up through the open mics, starting getting work.. and at some point hit the road to do comedy full time.

It’s always a fantastic show. It’s always an awesome audience. Nobody has to wake up early the next day and go to work. Everybody is in a great mood. Everybody has a ball.

If you’re a local comic, here’s your invitation: come hang out and watch this show. Meet the guys who did what you’re trying to do. Maybe they can help you. Maybe you can learn something. Maybe you’ll get to be in the lineup of this show someday.

If you’re a comedy fan, here’s a great way to catch up with the funny people you may have seen develop their acts on Zanies’ stage and move on to bigger successes on television and other stages around the world.

As a comic myself, I’m thankful for the stage time. I’m thankful for the older comics who have tolerated me, helped me, encouraged me, busted my balls, told me when I sucked, gave me tags, gave me advice and made me laugh. I’m thankful we can all come back together every year for this show.

Wed. Nov. 24, 2010, 7:30pm

Zanies Comedy Showplace
2025 8th Avenue South
tickets are $15