Jon Reep parks his Hemi at Zanies this week

Does this face look familiar? Maybe you’ve seen Jon Reep on NBC’s “Last Comic Standing”, Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend” or the half-hour special “Comedy Central Presents: Jon Reep”. Maybe you’ve seen him on TBS’s “Pit Stop Comedy”, NBC’s “Late Friday”, or the ABC Sitcom “Rodney” as Officer Gerald Bob the dim-witted cop. If not then you probably know him from Dodge’s popular ad campaign as the “Hemi guy” – the redheaded hillbilly in the Dodge Ram commercials who leans out of a beat-up car and utters the now famous line: “That thing gotta Hemi?”

But before that Reep was already one of the hardest working comics in America, selling out clubs and getting standing ovations at college after college across the country. The show is supersonic energy filled with non-stop characters, super clever writing, and, of course, the one talent that separates him from all other comedians in the world: he’s the best redneck dancer since Elvis.

Here’s a video Jon shot last time he was in Nashville. Warning! It’s funny and safe for work and stuff, but you should know that at some point Reno Collier appears dressed in drag, with a midget dressed as a baby suckling his teet. (OK, if you just read that and you still don’t watch this video, we can’t be friends):

If you’re still with us, here’s some video of Jon’s stand-up as aired on Last Comic Standing:

Jon Reep is at Zanies Thursday thru Saturday (They’re closed Sunday. Something about a football game or whatever? Who knows.). Get your tickets now!

Tom Green at Zanies this week

You might have seen Tom Green roaming around Nashville this week with a little video camera in his hand and a lot of wackiness in his head.

There aren’t many things Tom hasn’t done. He toured with his own rap group in high school, painted his parent’s house plaid, put a cow head in his parents’ bed while they slept, humped a dead moose, survived testicular cancer, turned his living room into a television studio and created the number one rated and longest running talk show on the internet, “Tom Green’s House Tonight.” One thing he has never done is a world stand-up comedy tour.

Scratch that off the list, too, because the World Stand-up Comedy Tour kicked off Jan 7th in Edmonton, Canada – went through Atlanta, Marco Island Florida and Louisville. Tom and comedian pal Shawn Halpin have been posting videos from the road to “The Channel” at

The shows have been very fun, with Tom doing jokes about his life and career – including the pranks he pulled on his parents, his marriage and divorce with Drew Barrimore; stories about the movies he has made; his appearances on tv as part of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice; plus pop culture jokes and plenty of random sillyness.

The crowds have been surprisingly awesome, considering the big snow that hit Nashville this weekend. Tom’s fans came out in droves, completely undeterred by the cold. It seems like the only people who weren’t there were those that just kind of randomly show up at the club not knowing who is performing.. which has been kind of nice. With audiences full of fans, it seems like Tom has been able to take them to very weird places without losing them at all. The responses have been absolutely amazing.

If you haven’t made it out to the show yet, tonight is your last chance! Tom’s last show starts at 7:30, but to get a good seat, you should definitely get there early. Get your tickets now! The roads aren’t bad, but give yourself an extra few minutes to get there safely.

Rik Roberts’ upcoming School Of Laughs classes

Congrats to Jack, Lee, Dono, Maria, Eric, James, Donnie, Cheryl & Robin for graduating Jan 7, 2010!

Stand UP Comedy Level Two: Performance
Mondays, February 8, 15, 22 from 5:30-8:00PM @ Zanies Nashville
The 3 session class fee is $200 total.
Sign-ups start January 20 @ comedyhomework [at] aol [dot] com

About the class:
In each class you will go on stage for a short set. After your set you will get feedback from myself and then the other students. Feedback will include ideas and angles to clarify your premise, punch line and tag lines. We’ll offer suggestions on how to take your jokes further, as well as constructive criticism on your stage presence, delivery and ability to relate.
Each week there will be some “homework” geared toward preparing a more solid set for the next time.
The class is 100% constructive but you will need to have a little thick skin to take advantage of everything involved.

In this class we will address:

Comedy Etiquette
Crowd Control
Heckler Target Practice
Mike Techniques
Performance Enhancers
Set Timing
Picking the best set
Riffing / Stream of Thought
Stage Picture
Stage Voice
Taking Stage
Thinking out loud onstage
Voices … and much more!

Students who successfully navigate the writing and performing classes are invited to a GRADUATION show at Zanies where they will perform a 3 minute set. The set will be recorded and given to you on a DVD along with an evaluation of that set. The graduation set must be CLEAN.

I limit the size of the class so we can give everyone ample time for feedback and have enough for an “audience” for the students onstage.

Students who have taken the writing class have the priority when signing up, followed by new students who have had SOME performing and writing experience outside of the School of Laughs.

Intro to Improv Comedy Level One: Games
Tentatively set for: Mondays, March 1, 8 & 15 5:30-8:00PM @ Zanies Nashville
The 3 session class fee is $200 total.
Pre-registration is open, request a form today: comedyhomework [at] aol [dot] com

Want to release the inner genius trapped inside you? Me too! In the meantime, why not sign up for the Intro to Improv Comedy Class?

I started my comedy career as part of Midwest Comedy Tool and Die – an incredible Improv group in Columbus, OH. We were one of the few traveling Improv troupes to conquer comedy clubs. Our approach was big on laughs with a respect for the art form of Improv. In this intro to Improv class we will do the same.
We will sample many of the games you have seen on “Whose Line is it Anyway?” as well as many you may have never seen. You’ll learn the ground rules that apply to Improvisational Comedy. You’ll be onstage a LOT and will learn to trust your instincts. The instincts will be beneficial in your everyday life. You’ll also benefit if you are pursuing stand-up comedy.
Stand UP Comedy Level ONE: Writing
Tentatively set for Mondays, April 5, 12 & 26 from 5:30-7:30PM @ Zanies Nashville
The 3 session class fee is $200 total.
Sign-Ups Available Beginning March 15 at comedyhomework [at] aol [dot] com.

Space will be limited. You can pay by check, credit card or money order. Once you’ve paid for the writing class once you have a “Lifetime” membership which allows you to attend any and all of the future writing classes at no extra cost.
How do you know if the writing class is the starting place for you? Ask yourself the following questions. Be honest with yourself!

How solid is your material now?
Do you know the reason each joke gets a laugh?
What techniques suit you the best?
Are you able to mix it up for different types of crowds?
Can you turn a story into a comedy bit?
Do your jokes get consistent laughs?
Are you able to get a laugh every 15 seconds or so?

If you don’t know some of the answers, then you’d benefit enormously from the writing class!

Bu$ine$$ of Comedy

The annual Bu$ine$$ of Comedy seminar was held on Monday, September 14th. Thanks to the 27 fun loving and seriously interested folks who attended. I appreciate your devotion to taking comedy to the next level.

Did you miss it?

You can still pick up all the tips!

You can receive the 30 page workbook along with the seminar on 3 audio CD’s – that’s no joke! Just request a copy today by e-mail at comedyhomework [at] aol [dot] com. The cost is $75.

Why a Business Class???

Because you will learn more about the comedy business in this 3 hour session than some comics learn in their entire career. You can take this class without any previous experience. It is a real eye opener into the world of comedy as a living.
Among other topics we addressed:
What goes in my promo kit?
When should I approach the clubs?
How do I get in with bookers?
How do I promote myself?
Do I need a web site?
What is deductible?
What market am I best suited for?
What is a realistic time line for my career?
What merchandise sells? Where do I get the merchandise?
What should I do for free and where do I draw the line?
request your workbook and CD today @ comedyhomework [at] aol [dot] com

Visit for more information on these and other classes & tell them NashvilleStandup sent you.

“Brad’s Night Out.” short features Nashville comics

ilovebetty productions recently put together “Brad’s Night Out” – a funny short shot at Zanies featuring quite a few comics familiar to fans of Nashville’s comedy scene including Brad Edwards, Sean Parrott, Lahna Turner, Dan Whitehurst, Perry Redd, Scott D. Hill, Tim Long, Courtney Meyers, Joe Southards, Janet Williams and Joel T Wilson. Let’s all watch together as comedian Brad Edwards “finds love in the most unlikely of places:”

Billy Wayne Davis Returns! With Robots! (updated – withOUT robots)

20091014_billywayne_zaniesBilly Wayne Davis is the thinking man’s hillbilly. With a combination of subtle, disarming intelligence and an unmistakable comfort on stage, he has the rare ability to win over every kind of comedy audience imaginable. After making a name for himself in here in Nashville, TN, he has gone on to perform in virtually every corner of the United States, from the deep south to the “alternative comedy” hotbed of Seatte, WA, which he now calls home. Billy Wayne’s comedy really has no discernible category. He can be personal, shocking, political and absurd, but his ability to form an instant connection with audiences allows him to get away with anything and everything. For Davis, no subject matter is off limits because there is nothing he can’t make funny with his trademark drawl and easy charm. He has worked with some of the biggest names in comedy, including Colin Quinn, Lisa Lampanelli, Louis CK and Mitch Hedberg and has toured as the feature act for national headliner Ralphie May. He has performed festivals, comedy clubs and theaters as diverse as Seattle’s Bumbershoot, The Ryman in Nashville, Comedy Works in Denver and the LA Improv.

This week, B-dub returns to Nashville for one show only Wednesday, October 14th at Zanies. Tickets are available now for $15. Here’s a video clip of what you can expect to see:

Last week, he headlined Side Splitters in Knoxville. WBIR-TV interviewed Billy Wayne to promote his shows, which gave him the chance to repeatedly ask why they would cancel production of The Heartland Series [truly a tragedy and easily the lamest thing to be attributed to “the economy” ever] and relate the story about having the microphone turned off on him at that same Knoxville venue years ago when it was a Comedy Zone franchise. [See the clip on]

For their “web extra” video, BW talked about Seattle, grilled the reporter about The Heartland Series again and told them what’s crazier than a pregnant Puerto Rican lady. [See the clip on]

This Wednesday, Davis returns to Nashville to headline at the comedy club where he got his start. The middle act for the show will be something called “The Comic-Bots Robot Band.” (NOTE: The previously announced feature act “The Comic-Bots Robot Band” will NOT be appearing after all.) Here is a video clip:

UPDATE: The previously announced feature act “The Comic-Bots Robot Band” will NOT be appearing after all. Instead, prepare to enjoy “America’s Favorite Comedian Of All Time” ™ Chad Riden as he performs mostly robot-free stand-up comedy. Here’s video of Mr. Riden:

Billy Wayne Davis. Robots. Chad Riden. One show only! Wednesday, October 14th at Zanies – get your tickets now before the machines rise and buy them all. (The Facebook event is here.)


If you miss that show, you can catch Billy Wayne Davis and Chad Riden Friday and Saturday at Harvey’s South Street Comedy Club in Jackson, TN. (The Facebook event is here.)